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InkCmd -- Command Line Renderer
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Blender Tutorials
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Using Ink9000 At The Command Line
New in version 0.8 is a command line version of Ink 9000. This can be used to create renders in
a batch for animations, as in this example.
The syntax for using inkcmd is : inkcmd <opt-file-name>
with a parameter of the full path to the options file described below.
Option File
Option files provide the command line renderer all the information it needs to do its job. It's
just a text file with the following entries. You can download a
sample here. The order is important, and comments must
begin with a '#' and must be on separate lines, with no blank lines in between in the data. All items
are required. Numbers are loaded as strings, so precision is not critical. These values are completely
separate from the values in the Ink9000 GUI program, and are more like what one would
be used to in positioning a camera.
Converting From Poser UnitsOf course the camera dial settings don't work in the opt files. Here is a listing of the conversions factors that I found. Your results may vary.